About Us
Our vision is to lead the cultural shift needed to increase equity priority groups in the trades—addressing the barriers to attraction, retention and advancement—and create an equitable, diverse and inclusive trades industry. The key to ensuring our vision is successful is our commitment to have tradespeople lead the organization. The experience of equity priority tradespeople is central to the development of our programs and initiatives—enabling us to pursue this vision with credibility and authenticity.

Providing supports and training for employers, contractors, training providers, unions and non-union organizations.

Fostering regional and provincial networks of equity priority tradespeople

Working with industry to shift the culture of discrimination, bullying and harassment by developing male leaders from industry through the Be More Than a Bystander program.

Providing informal mentorship and skill-building opportunities.

Providing training and employment supports for women experiencing barriers to enter or advance their career in the trades.
In 2016, women from the trades approached the BC government to raise awareness about the low number of women in the industry, as well as their experiences in their workplaces and training institutions. The government responded by launching a multi-phased Sector Labour Market Partnership (SLMP) project funded by the Canada-BC Labour Market Development Agreement. The first phases included research and an environmental scan. The final reports confirmed tradeswomen’s experience and illuminated the need for targeted supports to increase the number of women and other under represented groups to mitigate the imminent shortage of skilled labour in BC.
On March 8, 2018, International Women’s Day, the government announced that funding would be provided to two projects for women in the trades focused on addressing the barriers identified in the research to the recruitment, retention and advancement of women in the trades—one of these led to the creation of BC Centre for Women in the Trades, officially launched on June 30, 2018.
A few words from
our supporters
Equity Priority people from the Trades
The wonderful thing about BCCWITT is that it helps fill a gap that has existed for decades. BCCWITT provides a wonderful service to industry by recruiting people to these great careers. In addition, they ensure that the people stay in the trades by improving the culture and providing much needed networking and mentoring.
~Lisa Langevin, Electrician, Founder of BC Tradeswomen Society and Director of Women in Trades at the ITA
BCCWITT allows women to come together, support each other and achieve shared goals.
– Anonymous
BCCWITT not only helps to remove barriers and gain the supports necessary to ensure a viable career in the trades, but brings women together to help build a lasting network of both mentors and friends.”
– Ashley Duncan, Vice President, BC Insulators
BCCWITT and the network that this organization has created has empowered tradeswomen to stand up for themselves and assist in changing the culture of the trades.
– Anonymous
I think women are more likely to stand up for themselves when they are supported by organizations like BCCWITT and have a strong network of people backing them that understand what they are going through.
– Anonymous
Everything new is ‘radical’ until it happens all the time, naturally. Shifting work culture is part of the BCCWITT mission, radical until it’s just part of the norm.
– Becky Lupton, Electrician
Industry and Labour
“Through BCCWITT’s More Than a Bystander Training , my eyes were opened to the responsibility men have in our society and workplaces to prevent gender-based bullying, harassment and violence.”
– Laird Cronk, President, BC Federation of Labour
“As an employer representative, I am proud of the work done by BCCWITT in support of women in trades. The construction industry needs more tradeswomen and BCCWITT is ensuring they have the resources and mentorship necessary to ensure success. The dedication and passion of the tradeswomen that lead BCCWITT is inspiring and I’m grateful for the opportunity to help support their vision.”
– Ken McCormack, President , CEO, Construction Labour Relations Association of BC
BCCWITT has established a strong reputation based on connecting with women in the trades and supporting them in many ways: net-working, mentoring, training, building skills and supporting career development. They are also working with men to take on the difficult task of shifting the culture on construction work sites to ensure that the work place is a safe, respectful and welcoming place for women and all workers. The BCFED is proud to support this important work. BCCWITT has made an excellent start but there is still much work to be done!
~Irene Lanzinger, former President, BC Federation of Labour
“My organization is excited about the tireless work that BCCWITT has been doing for women working in the many diverse trades of the industry. Our Local has benefited, not only from their ability to provide resources to our tradeswomen, but the opportunity to have our male staff and tradesmen attend their facilitated, ‘Be More than A Bystander Training’. It has opened the door for our us to continue shifting the mindsets and culture for all workers, in order that we may all benefit from a safe and dignified workplace.” – Jim Lofty, Business Manager, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213
“If you are woman in the trades or want to get into the trades BCCWITT is there to support you. It is there to help you have a long and successful career by working with industry to foster a culture of respect and equal opportunity. I am proud of my association with BCCWITT and applaud the women who have made BCCWITT the success it is today.”
– David Keane, President, Woodfibre LNG Ltd.
Our workplaces have changed dramatically in that time period but there is still more work needed to be done to make them more inclusive. For firms and individuals looking to become more welcoming and inclusive, there is help available. I would like to take this opportunity to formally endorse the Be More Than a Bystander initiative. We applaud the work being done by BCCWITT, EVA BC and the BC Lions and encourage other like-minded organizations to give their support. – Brooks Patterson, Vice President, Norland Limited
“When tradeswomen connect with BCCWITT, it’s like instantly making hundreds of new friends. These friends ‘get you.’ They know the barriers you face every day, the barriers you’ve already overcome, and the barriers that are still ahead. But they also know how incredibly rewarding a career in the skilled trades is, and that’s why they’ll be right beside you every step of the way as you smash through those barriers.”
~Corry Anderson-Fennell, Director of Communications, BC Building Trades