Be More Than A Bystander virtual workshops this Winter!

BC Centre for Women in the Trades and SkilledTradesBC are co-hosting two virtual 90-minute workshops this Winter: Session for men: Wednesday, January 31 from 7-8:30pm PT Session for all genders (including men, women, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming...

BCCWITT’s new funding opportunities!

BCCWITT Career Advancement Bursary The BCCWITT Career Advancement Bursary provides funding for equity priority tradespeople of all genders, including tradespeople who are Indigenous, people of colour, 2SLGBTIAQ+, immigrants, people with disabilities, and women, in...

Digital Organizing 101 training with Beth Becker

Digital Organizing 101 Training with Beth BeckerSaturday, November 4, 202310:00am to 1:00pm PSTVirtual training (via Zoom) How can utilize digital tools and communications for a more diverse, equitable and inclusive skilled trades industry? How can we effectively...