Our next Be More Than A Bystander train-the-trainer (all gender cohort) will be taking place in Port Coquitlam from January 24-26, 2024.
The training will be hosted at the IBEW 213 Auditorium (1424 Broadway Street).
Be More Than A Bystander is a training and educational program to support organizational and cultural shifts towards more inclusive, safer and respectful workplaces.
This 3-day intensive train-the-trainer engages industry leaders and allies to take ownership and play active roles in ending bullying, harassment and violence in workplaces.
Participants learn practical tools and effective strategies to intervene in gender-based and other forms of bullying, harassment and violence. They are then tasked with sharing what they have learned with others and to model it within their organizations.
What are the learning outcomes?
- Develop knowledge of facts and figures about bullying, harassment, and violence
- Apply effective de-escalating intervention tools and strategies
- Understand the impact men and allies can have when they step in and speak up against the toxic culture of bullying, harassment and violence in the industry
- Gain skills to facilitate a 2-hour Be More Than A Bystander workshop
* This cohort is currently full. Please complete the application form to be added to our waitlist.
This cohort is made possible through funding from the Ministry of Post Secondary Education and Future Skills, Tuition, materials, breakfast and lunch are provided free of cost to successful applicants who work and/or live in BC. We are currently unable to cover travel, accommodations and lost wages.
For more information contact info@bccwitt.ca