Free Virtual Financial Skills Training

In partnership with Community Savings Credit Union, we are excited to be offereing TWO different upcoming free financial skills workshops: Wednesday April 2nd 5pm – 7pm: Savings, Investments, and Registered Savings Plans – Register Here Tuesday, April 8th 5pm –...

Prince George Skilled Trades Social, Mar. 12 @ 5:30-9 PM

Calling ALL BCCWITT network members, allies, supporters, and friends: BCCWITT and the Prince George and Area Women in Trades & Industry are co-hosting this skilled trades social in March! We are excited to meet some local tradespeople, employers, instructors,...

Campbell River Skilled Trades Social, Feb. 24 @ 7-10 PM

Calling ALL BCCWITT network members, allies, supporters, and friends: BCCWITT and North Island College are co-hosting this skilled trades social in February! We are excited to meet some local tradespeople, employers, instructors, union organizers, and program...

Victoria Skilled Trades Social, Feb. 3 @ 8-11 PM

Calling ALL BCCWITT network members, allies, supporters, and friends: Our next Victoria skilled trades social is coming up soon! BCCWITT staff are excited to meet some local tradespeople, employers, instructors, union organizers, and program coordinators involved in...

Be More Than A Bystander virtual workshops this Winter!

BC Centre for Women in the Trades and SkilledTradesBC are co-hosting two virtual 90-minute workshops this Winter: Session for men: Wednesday, January 31 from 7-8:30pm PT Session for all genders (including men, women, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming...

Victoria Skilled Trades Social, Nov. 18 @ 8-11 PM

Calling ALL BCCWITT network members, allies, supporters, and friends: Our next skilled trades social is coming up next weekend! BCCWITT staff are excited to meet some local tradespeople, employers, instructors, union organizers, and program coordinators involved in...