June 26, 4-6 PM – Kelowna Women in the Trades Meetup

CALLING ALL OKANAGAN PEOPLE: There’s a Kelowna women in trades meetup coming up soon… This time with DOOR PRIZES! All tradeswomen welcome: Apprentices, journeys, union, non-union, any trade. Sunday, June 26, 4-6PM @ Red Bird Brewing (1086 Richter...

June 8, 7-9 PM – Kootenay Women in the Trades Meetup

Calling all women in trades in the East Kootenays: There’s a meetup in Cranbrook TONIGHT at the Fire Hall, 37 11 Ave S @ 7-9pm! Always the second Wednesday of the month… Come on out and make new friends, see old ones, and work your network....